Photo Credit: SLM Images
Born and raised in Scottsdale, AZ, I made the biggest move of my life in 2012 to Philadelphia for college. While most thought I was crazy to attend school on the other side of the country, I knew this would only be the start of many adventures in my life. Naturally independent, I find peace on planes and trains, walking around cities and driving through town. It gives me time to reflect and analyze the world usually with a soundtrack curated by my love of music.
I spent the better portion of high school learning the ins and outs of blogging and discovering the hidden side of the music industry. From green rooms to tour busses, I’ve been invited to speak with a variety of musicians about their passion and art form. Through these unique conversations, I developed a love for the entertainment industry and the power that it holds. Following graduation, this passion for hearing stories translated into to a role with Executive Search Firm Prodigy Sports where I spent two years as an Associate. Through my time at Prodigy, I was successful in launching an esports divison and completing placements across numerous disciplines within traditional sports and esports. In late 2018, I joined Delmondo, a cross-platform video analytics company, as an Account Strategist and now spend my days diving into the worlds of analytics & strategy.
While the world is full of numerous problems and us as a human race will always have our differences, music and sport two of the two truly unifying forms of entertainment that allow individuals of all backgrounds to bond over common interests and passions.
The title of this blog came about because I think at heart; each of us simply has a bit of wanderlust inside. We travel through life, learning and growing each day. While I spend my time working on other people’s websites and hearing their stories, I wanted an outlet to share mine. There is no telling how often I will actually be able to write (although I want to try for at least twice a week) and if anyone will read what I share, but regardless, this blog is a place for me to share it.