The recipe of a perfect concert is not easy to accomplish. It takes one part artist, one part opening act, one part crowd vibe and one part venue and while usually two or three of the four can be hit, hitting the perfect ratio of everything feels like an all too rare occurrence.

On a chilly Tuesday on the Lower East Side, Rhys Lewis and Bre Kennedy filled a sold out Mercury Lounge with a few hours of music, some stories and a whole lot of talent.
Kennedy, who calls Nashville home, opened the show with a strong voice and left the roughly 200 person room so quiet you could hear a pin drop. It also feels so rare in 2020 to attend a concert and not see hundreds of phones out to capture the moment, but for the vast majority of the set, the crowd simply watched and swayed in awe.
Roughly an hour later, Lewis took to the stage to the cheers of the sold out room. Playing through a mixture of already released and soon to be released songs, the crowd sang along and helped an admittedly jet-lagged Rhys thought the show.
With a album due out in April, Lewis enjoyed the natural segue of a fan asking if a song would be on the album (it will be) and seamlessly transitioned between stories and the songs themselves.
In what seemed like a blur, the set ended and the crowd dispersed holding on to the happiness of the night.
‘Things I Chose To Remember’ come out April 24th and can be preordered here.