I’ve been testing out the idea of time blocking over the past few months. I realized that there was a lot I wanted to do, a lot I needed to do and not as much time as I wanted. In short, time blocking is setting dedicated blocks of time (shocker) to get work done. In these blocks you only do the task you planned so if its email, you can set 20 minutes only on email and when the timer goes off you move on. The most amazing thing about this is that you get work done faster than planned and have MORE TIME.
I started testing the theory after reading 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management by Kevin Kruse – highly recommend this one by the way. Part of the book mentioned time blocking as a technique people used. One of the methods is to schedule to do’s into your calendar. Another method, suggested by Michael Bosstick (fiancé of Lauryn Evarts) is to use a cube.
Both work well and I will block the time in my calendar and then use either the cube or the Pomodrone app (based on the pomodoro technique) to keep an eye on the time.
Have you tried this? Let me know how much more productive it makes you.