It’s that time of year again where everyone is sick and as soon as someone in the office coughs or sneezes, everyone else drains a bottle of hand sanitizer. A few years ago, I got sick for about a month with a sore through that wouldn’t go away and I tried everything. After multiple doctor visits, medicine that didn’t work and lots of time feeling miserable I finally threw traditional methods to the wind and decided to go the homeopathic route. Now I’m still all for traditional medicine, but I try to limit it when possible because I’ve personally had success with more natural remedies.
I’m generally a healthy person thanks to a reasonably healthy diet, exercise, hydration and sleep, but I do get sick every now and again. One thing I started doing is a lemon & ginger shot two-three times a week any month that I’m going to be traveling or when the weather is changing. Not only is it a nice energy boost, it also helps with immunity for the pesky little sicknesses and if anything will convince you of how great these are, I lasted a month in Edinburgh in a flat with 9 other people and didn’t get sick when everyone else was getting sick.
But life isn’t always perfect and I need my backup arsenal which is where my magic tea comes in. It’s a super simple recipe and I make it as soon as I start feeling sick and drink it once a day until I’m feeling better.
1 tsp – tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tsp – tbsp Raw Honey (preferably local)
1 tsp – tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 scoop pure ginger tea (or a few slices of fresh ginger)
1 scoop pure chamomile tea
Brew tea and dissolve all ingredients into tea once brewed. Alter amounts based on personal preference and tolerance, but try for at least a full tsp of each. Feel free to add a squeeze of lemon juice as well (or drink separately in the morning with a cup of warm water). Drink up, rest & fell better!
I know coconut oil in tea sounds super weird and might take a bit of getting used to, but I promise this works. I recently came home from work with a headache and sore throat feeling completely run down, made up a cup of this tea before bed and felt 80% back to normal the next day and was 100% by the weekend. Now I’m not a nutritionist or doctor and can’t validate why it all works, but it does.
Try it & let me know your thoughts!