There is something about quotes that I have always found to be interesting.. At times I wished I could come up with some profound statement, but instead I have just found statements by others that seem to fit into my life like the missing puzzle pieces. Below are a few of my favorites:
“A line is a dot that went for a walk” – Paul Klee
[This was the quote I used for my 8th grade graduation.. at the time I don’t know why I loved it and still don’t but the idea of a single idea becoming a journey seems to be pretty true in life]
“Life is not the mountain tops, it’s the walking in between” – Ben Rector / I Like You
[ I heard this lyric in a song last year and ever since it has quickly become one of my favorites. Always reminding me that it’s important to enjoy the ride]
“Keep Calm + Carry On”
[pretty self explanatory]
“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that its going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.” – Unkown
[ I saw this on Facebook the other day and it just really sat with me]
“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” – Robin Williams / Dead Poets Society
[ When searching for the proper quote to remember Robin Williams by, I remembered this from Dead Poets Society. I feel that we often forget how powerful words can be until someone says something positive or negative that makes a lasting impact. ]
– AS.